ADAP Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (adap.ua.edu)
ADAP provides legal services to Alabamians with disabilities to protect, promote and expand their rights.
Alabama’s Early Intervention System (http://www.rehab.alabama.gov/individuals-and-families/early-intervention)
A division of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Early Intervention provides supports and services for infants and toddlers birth through age 2 (0 to 36 months of age) who have a medical diagnosis that can delay normal development or who have a developmental delay causing the child to not meet developmental milestones. Early intervention supports and services focus on teaching the parents and other caregivers ways to help the child learn and participate in everyday activities.
Dental Care Guidance for Caregivers of Patients with Down Syndrome (https://www.emergencydentistsusa.com/down-syndrome-and-dental-care/)
When it comes to heading to the dentist, there can be feelings of stress and anxiety. For patients with Down syndrome, these feelings can be much more intense. Dental experts, Dr. Greg Grillo, and Dr. Andrew Jordan, have spent many years working with patients and caregivers on preparing for their dental visits and providing them with tips and care for instilling good oral hygiene habits.
The Arc of Madison County (http://www2.hsvarc.org/wparcsite/)
Ensuring those with intellectual disabilities are given loving care and guidance as they find their place in the community and the world at large. Opportunities abound for those at every level of interaction, from those needing highly skilled nursing care to those looking to make a difference through gainful employment. Day Programs, Residential, Early Intervention, and Job Coaching.
Centers for the Developmentally Disabled/North Central Alabama (www.cddnca.org)
The mission of the organization is to provide support and services for people who are mentally and/or physically challenged, or developmentally delayed, that recognize each person’s individual strengths, dreams, and preferences to empower him/her to live, work, and recreate in their community with dignity and the greatest degree of independence possible.Early Intervention, Residential Services, Day Habilitation (Morgan and Lawrence counties), Supported Employment, and Camp CDD.
Ability Plus (www.ability-plus.org)
Residential homes and day habitation program for individuals in North Alabama with intellectual disabilities.
Alabama Department of Children’s Rehabilitation Services (http://www.rehab.alabama.gov/individuals-and-families/childrens-rehabilitation-service)
Children’s Rehabilitation Service (CRS) is a statewide organization of skilled professionals providing quality medical, rehabilitative, coordination and support services for children with special health care needs and their families. Every county in Alabama is served through a network of 14 community-based offices.
Vanderbilt Down Syndrome Clinic (https://www.childrenshospital.vanderbilt.org/downsyndrome)
The Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s Hospital is a place that serves all the health needs of a child with Down syndrome. We are a multi-disciplinary team of expert medical providers from different specialties brought together in one place for you. In one appointment, you may have visits or consultations with one or more specialists on our team. You will benefit from the care of leading medical specialists in the most convenient way.
Huntsville TN Valley AMBUCS (http://www.huntsvilleambucs.org)
HSV AMBUCS is an all volunteer, 501(c)(3) organization providing AmTrykes through charitable intervention to children in the Tennessee Valley who are unable to ride a regular bike.
Huntsville Area Committee On Employment of People With Disabilities (http://hacepd.org)
The HACEPD is Huntsville’s designated leadership and coordination group on issues related to employment of people with disabilities. The HACEPD is a local affiliate of the Alabama Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with disabilities, and is a program of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services.
Handi-Ride (http://www.hsvcity.com/Publictran/public_trans.php)
Operates ADA Paratransit Service for individuals with disabilities who because of their disability are unable to use the fixed route buses.
Rise School at UAH (http://www.uah.edu/rise-school)
The UAH Rise School is a blend of early childhood education, child development, early childhood special education, and integrated therapy giving children a firm foundation for their future. The learning environment is designed to promote and allow for multi-dimensional growth: socially, cognitively, physically, and emotionally. Rise operates year around and is aligned as closely as possible with the local school systems.
Merrimack Hall (http://www.merrimackhall.com)
Merrimack Hall’s Johnny Stallings Arts Program provides arts education, and social and cultural opportunities to people through five program components: Dance Your Dreams!, Project UP, Inspired HeARTs, Camp Merrimack and The Connection. In total, JSAP serves more than 400 people living with a variety of developmental disabilities including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, and other conditions.
Special Olympics Alabama, Inc (http://specialolympicsalabama.com)
The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
The Miracle League of North Alabama (http://www.mlhuntsville.org )
Providing children and young adults with disabilities the opportunity to play Miracle League sports regardless of their abilities, to develop and promote programs and special facilities that meet the unique need of Miracle League players and their families. We are dedicated to performing charitable works, promoting the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities, and education the public to promote a greater understanding on matters concerning disabilities and disabled individuals.
AYSO VIP League (http://www.ayso.org/For_Families/AYSO_Soccer_Programs/VIP.htm#.VPRqRk8cTq5)
AYSO is proud to offer a very special program for children and adults with physical or mental disabilities. Our VIP (Very Important Player) program provides a safe, fun environment with trained coaches and volunteers who facilitate an enriching experience that the players and their families will cherish forever.
The Matrix Gym (http://www.thematrixgym.com/sensory-bounce-program-special-needs.html)
Sensory Bounce Class is designed to facilitate children with special needs. The class focuses on sensory exploration by using a wide variety of state of the art surfaces and manipulatives offered in the gym
Happy Trails Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc (http://www.happytrailstrc.org/index.html)
We are horse lovers who use horses to improve the lives of children and adults with disabilities. Our goal is that the personal confidence students’ gain from Therapeutic Riding will affect their lives in a positive way.
Early Childhood Music (www.earlychildhoodmusic.net)
Offers special needs piano-based music classes.
HEARTS Respite UCP (http://ucphuntsville.org/what-we-do/hearts-respite/)
UCP offers the HEARTS program in conjunction with Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama. HEARTS is designed to provide respite care for families of children up to age 19 with special needs.
DSA Down Syndrome Alabama (www.downsyndromealabama.org)
Promoting lifelong awareness, acceptance, and advocacy for individuals with Down syndrome.
Camp McDowell (http://campmcdowll.dioala.org)
Special Session offered for adults with mental and physical disabilities.
CAMP ASCCA (http://campascca.org)
Camp ASCCA is Alabama’s Special Camp for Children and Adults. ASCCA is a nationally recognized leader in therapeutic recreation for children and adults with both physical and intellectual disabilities. Providing weekend and week long sessions, Camp ASCCA is open year-round.
Camp Merrimack (www.merrimackhall.com)
Annual half-day performing arts camp for children with special needs
National Down Syndrome Congress (http://www.ndsccenter.org)
The mission of the NDSC is to provide information, advocacy and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome.
National Down Syndrome Society (http://www.ndss.org/)
The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.
National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (http://www.ndsan.org)
The NDSAN provides support to families who wish to adopt a child with Down syndrome. Our mission is to ensure that every child born with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family.
Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation (https://lumindfoundation.org)
The mission of the LuMind Foundation is to stimulate biomedical research that will accelerate the development of treatments to significantly improve cognition, including memory, learning and speech, for individuals with Down syndrome so they: participate more successfully in school, lead more active and independent lives, and avoid the early onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network (http://www.dsdiagnosisnetwork.org/)
DSDN provides information, support and connections to families with a new Down syndrome diagnosis. We support 15% of all U.S. families with a new diagnosis in our Rockin’ Family online communities. We provide families in our groups with welcome gifts, care packages and scholarships through our Rockin’ Family Fund. Additionally we hold a Rockin’ Mom Retreat each fall. In 2016, DSDN will be attending and exhibiting at major medical conferences to share with professionals how they can positively impact families in delivering a diagnosis.
Down Syndrome Education USA (http://www.dseusa.org/en-us)
DSE works to improve early intervention and education for children with Down syndrome everywhere. We support scientific research and provide evidence-based resources and services to help over 100,000 parents and professionals in over 170 countries each year.
Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group USA (http://dsmig-usa.org)
This symposium provides a forum for sharing of knowledge and experiences related to clinical care of children and adults with Down syndrome, clinical research related to Down syndrome, and development of Down syndrome clinics.
Band of Angels (http://www.bandofangels.com)
Band of Angels is dedicated creating greater understanding of the full and rich lives of people with differences by helping parents, educators, persons with disabilities and medical professionals recognize the true potential of all people.
Research Down Syndrome (http://www.researchds.org)
The mission of Research Down Syndrome is to fund and support scientific research directed towards the development of safe and effective drug therapies that will improve memory, learning and communication in persons with Down syndrome and address the increased likelihood for Alzheimer’s disease.
Eli’s Heart (http://elisheart.org)
A 510 c3 organization that helps families with travel expenses associated with medical procedures.
Down Syndrome Autism Connection (www.ds-asd-connection.org)
A non profit dedicated to co-occurring Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder in the United States.
Ruby’s Rainbow (http://www.rubysrainbow.org)
The mission at Ruby’s Rainbow is to grant scholarships to adults with Down syndrome who are seeking post-secondary education, enrichment or vocational classes. It is our goal to create awareness of the capabilities of these amazing individuals and help them achieve their dreams of higher education.
Alabama State Department of Special Education (www.alsde.edu)
Through leadership and service, the vision of Special Education Services (SES) is to foster positive educational outcomes for all students with special needs.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) (www.idea.ed.gov)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
ABLEDATA (www.abledata.com)
AbleData provides objective information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment
T.A.S.C. Technology Assistance for Special Consumers (www.ucptasc.org)
The mission of T.A.S.C. is to provide individuals with disabilities, their families and/or advocates, and associated professionals access to assistive technology devices and services to increase independence at home, school, and work.